Reviewed: New Logo and Uniforms for Los Angeles Clippers

Originally established as the Buffalo Braves in 1970 then moving west and known as the San Diego Clippers in 1978, the Los Angeles Clippers (where they settled in 1984) are an NBA team playing in the Pacific Division of the Western Conference. They have always…
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Indiegogo Says Users Have Raised Over $500 Million

The crowdfunding website, which for the first time disclosed the results of its users’ campaigns, also is changing its fee structure.

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Segment Your Blog Content to Drive More Leads and Sales

Effective marketing is personal marketing. Generic blog posts or one-size-fits-all emails can no longer be go-to tactics. Discover how to leverage segments in your content to drive more leads and sales with these tips and suggestions. Continue reading

The post Segment Your Blog Content to Drive More Leads and Sales appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

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Improving Your Facebook Reach (Infographic)

If BuzzFeed has taught us anything, it’s that Google is no longer necessary if we want to acquire a lot of traffic. Hundreds of articles and quizzes created by BuzzFeed have gone viral, which has sent millions of Facebook and Twitter users their way. In an age when everyone is concerned with SEO, seeing a […]
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5 Tips for Creating a Social Media Plan for Your Business

Using social media to market your business has become practically essential. Everyone can become instantly connected to social media at any time with the shocking growth in the smartphone and tablet market. You, as a business, need to make use of this. Get people together and build a social media plan that will draw customers in and be successful.
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Freemium SEO Tools Business Bloggers Shouldn’t Live Without

Blogging is a platform for people to share their thoughts and ideas to their target readers. Due to the effectiveness of blogging, it has been adopted by businesses to help raise their branding and attract more leads and clients to their products and services. In order to rise above the competition, businesses are forced to develop […]
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